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New Year Wishes – This Could Be the Year Your Wishes Come True

A system for achieving new year resolutions. This is the year to make New Year Wishes instead.

The 20 Key Principles of Goal Setting

Do you want to start seeing changes in your life? I’m here to tell you that you can and that you will if you follow these simple principles. All I ask is that you dare to dream. Ask yourself, “If I knew I could not fail, what would I do?” Dream as you did when you were a child; when you had a world of opportunity and possibilities. Dream as though you have no limits, because honestly you don’t. These 20 simple, but key principles will jump-start your life again; give you new energy, excitement, passion and leap you forward from where you are now to where it is that you want to go, faster than you ever dared to dream.

New Year’s Resolutions – Why?

So the time is upon us again for the New Year’s resolutions, but why do people do this? Let’s take a closer look at this, from the outside in. I watch every year, people set these New Year’s Resolutions and publicly announce them as though no one will know if they reach their goal or not.

You Are on Time Out

Why do we put our children on time out when they do something that is inappropriate? It is to stop what they were doing, reflect and move on. It works every time with my children when there are some ‘problems’ that need immediate fixing.

Achieve Personal Satisfaction

The more we know about ourselves, the better we can live our lives and achieve personal satisfaction. Knowledge about retirement is often skimpy and many times incorrect. We gain information from sources we are sometimes unaware of. It seems we simply pick it up out of the air.

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Let’s Talk About New Years Resolutions

At the end of every year, we always reflect on all the things we have done; it may be good or bad, but then both made us a better person. You have learned wonderful lessons from all of those mistakes you have made and you always wish that you would not commit the same in the coming year. To resolve this issue, we make a New Years resolution.

Don’t Worry About the Details

Have you ever got spun up trying to figure out the details of a project and found yourself stuck because some of the details simply didn’t present themselves? The key is trusting that you are just fine where you are in the process of the plan or project. Perfection is already present so you don’t have to push or rush for it.

Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work and How To Write Goals That Will

We often make resolutions, that fade with the passing of the first few months. So, this year, instead of making vague, hopeful promises to yourself, why not decide to make some really specific individual goals that you can stick to? Here is a guide written using things that we learned and found useful, whilst studying NLP, to help you to write clear, effective goals.

Career Resolutions For the New Year – Career Audit/Evaluation First

As the year comes to a close it is necessary to take stock of the resolutions you had set at the beginning. This necessitates one to understand the levels of achievement attained viz a viz the pre-set goals. This exercise should form the basis for the coming years’ resolutions in light of the previous years’ performance.

New Year, New Beginnings

If you are anything like me, all hopes for a happy, healthy and prosperous new year are pinned on that one important night – New Years Eve. Resolutions are made – promises that we vow to lead a much healthier, honest and trouble free life. And, at that precise moment when I am making those promises to myself, for those few split seconds, I actually believe that I can do it, I can change and I will achieve my goal!

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Goals Versus Resolutions

Goals symbolize a vision while resolutions embody reflection. Goals look out to the future while resolutions look back at the past. The path for creating goals begins with a strategy while the path for making resolutions begins with a decision.

Top Ten Resolutions to Becoming a Better Person

So this year you have everything you want. The one thing you need is something your friends and family have been wishing for years, for you to become a better person. So you swear too much, you fart too loud, you laugh at homeless people on the street, but God loves you right?

What My Fortune Cookie Taught Me!

At first I thought… what kind of fortune is that? That’s not what I want to hear from my fortune cookie.

Getting It All Done – Goal Setting for Modern Homesteading

The journey to self-sufficiency can be overwhelming. Financial pressures, family responsibilities, employment – when exactly are you supposed to find the time to become a modern homesteader? Or even prepare for a simple power outage? Find out how to get it all done with these 3 simple steps to setting self sufficiency goals.

How to Set Goals That Are Relevant to You

This article provides a top down approach to help you set goals and achieve them. You will first learn how to set goals that are meaningful to you, then you will learn how to achieve them.

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Goals Setting – How to Set Yearly Goals

Goals setting is more of a process than a destination. This article looks at the process of goal setting, and focuses on how to set yearly goals.

Happy New Year 2011 – 4 Steps To Plan Your Goals

Did you know that most people set goals each year and never complete them? They are very easy to set but harder to see them through to the end. So help is on the way.

Happy New Year 2011 – Rules For Setting Yourself Some Goals

For several years now I have challenged myself to improve in my personal life and business world. Knowing it would not be easy but realizing that it would help expand my horizons. A new year has begun and some old goals mixed with news have been set.

The Number 1 New Year’s Resolution – Losing Weight

How do you plan for the New Year, and how do you keep your resolutions once you’ve made them? Read on to find out!

How to Ensure That a New Years Resolution Is Accomplished

At the end of one year and the beginning of another we put ourselves on the stand and play judge and jury. Before long we are casting a decree of what our resolution would be and what we must accomplish for the year. It is the natural course of events so why shouldn’t we be a part of this. The problem is not in making the New Year’s resolution nor is it in the result. The fact is we often know what we want and what changes are necessary in our life and it is easy to see from the results at the end of the year whether this has been accomplished. The problem lies in how the resolution is made.

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How To Learn To Get Up Early

How do you usually start your morning? Lunatic rush, eternal lack of time, work, where we come sleepy, irritated and seedy? Delaying the time for getting up to the critical moment and again being late, we convulsively invent excuses about a stuck lift or traffic jams.

Goals Setting – Seven Tips to Help You Fast Track Success

Goal Setting is best described as a process rather than a destination. This article provides seven general tips to help you with this process, and to help you be the best goal setter that you can be. This will in turn lead you to a happier and healthier you.

Want to Achieve Your Goals? Focus On What Is Important

A vital element to achieving a goal is keeping your attention on what’s important day-to-day, month-to-month and year-to-year. A laser-beam focus on your intended outcome is vital to making goals reality.

New Year Resolutions: Why You Shouldn’t Bother

New year’s resolutions… gotta love them! Every year we swear we are going to lose weight, quit smoking, cut down drinking, get organised, achieve our business goals… we talk about it with conviction, even stubbornness… this is it, next year will be our year, starting on the first of January.

Goals Setting – How to Set Monthly Goals

Goals setting in more of a process rather than a destination. The best way to proceed with goals setting is to start at the high level, for example setting seven year to ten year goals, and then working down through yearly and monthly goals, and then finally the to do list. This article specifically focuses on the monthly goals component.

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New Year – New Start

With the start of the New Year many people resolve to make a New Start with their life. The question is… what to do?

How To Make a New Year’s Resolution in 3 Easy Steps

Do you feel stuck in a rut? Out of options? Going nowhere? If you answered yes, help is just around the corner. What you need is a change, and you can make that change happen. It’s up to you and I can show you how.

7 Steps to Staying Positive and Sticking to Your Goals

Only listen to positive feedback, as that will bring more motivation, hence success. Similarly, any negative input will bring feelings of frustration and self- doubt. Get into the habit of even turning what you perceive as a negative situation, into a positive one, as you can find opportunities In a negative situation.

Watchwords – A Powerful Alternative to New Years Resolutions

I no longer believe in New Year’s Resolutions, but I do believe it is possible to set yourself up for success in the New Year. It just takes a new approach. Instead of setting resolutions, adopt a Watchword. It’s very simple really. You choose a word or phrase that becomes your theme for the year and use that as a benchmark for every decision and action all year. The beauty is that it teaches you a new way to be rather than just changing a couple of habits.

Can Visualization Bring You Happiness?

So we have all heard about visualization, positive affirmation, meditation etc. Do you believe in this? Can visualisation bring you happiness? Can it empower you, improve your health, increase your wealth and bring you your dreams? Is this just rubbish or only for people like Buddhists?

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Happy New Year! Now Don’t Blow It!

It’s the 3rd day of the new year, and I blew it already… There were simply too many forms of cheese – my weakness food – at the last holiday gathering this weekend. There were simply too many forms of cheese – my weakness food – at the last holiday gathering this weekend.

Effective Goal Setting in 6 Easy Steps

A sure way to get what you want out of life is to set and review effective and realistic goals. In these six simple steps you will be empowered to lead the life of your dreams.

New Year Resolutions Don’t Work

New Year resolutions do not work. What stops them working? Find out the reasons and what you can do about them.

New Goals For A New Year

By tradition, at the end of each year we have looked back to determine the lifestyle changes we wish to make moving into the new year.  Since we tend to trust hindsight more than any other visionary aspect, it is interesting to note that heading the list of the top ten New Year’s resolutions is to “spend more time with family and friends”.  Overall, an excellent goal and one worth pursuing.

3 Simple Questions for Creating Your Happy Year

Happy New Year! This greeting for you to enjoy a happy and healthy year is my wish for you every day of every year. Yet, custom (the Gregorian solar calendar) has us share it on January 1. So, here I am wishing you all the possibility a new day, a new year can bring. I am drawn to ancient wisdom and one of the sources I revisited was the Tao (Tao Te Ching and I Ching). In so doing, I was reminded of simplicity, and the power of three. So, I share three simple questions for January 1, and throughout the year.

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How to Stick to New Year’s Resolutions

It’s a new year. Time to set new goals, for a new you. Setting goals are good. How do we keep them?

Goals Setting – How to Reach Your Goals

The question is often asked how do you keep working hard in your goals setting. This article provides some tips and tricks for staying on track day after day and slowing building a road towards your goals.

Finding Your Purpose Through Inspiring Sports Motivations Part 1 – Definition of Purpose

When we look at true inspirational people like Lance Armstrong, Jim Abbot, Team Hoyt, etc, one cannot help wondering where they find passion and energy to do what they are doing. Despite their severe handicap, they still participated in the toughest sports and end up inspiring everyone who had come to know their stories.

Will You Achieve Your New Years Resolutions Or Will They Drop Off Like Every Other Year?

With the new year just gone and people focusing on the new year and the changes they can make in their lives now is the time to make resolutions that you can and will actually achieve this year. There are a few hints and tips that may help you make a success of your new year as opposed to it being the same things again and again.

Forget New Year’s Resolutions and Create a Plan for Success

If you want to achieve success in the New Year, forget making resolutions. Figure out what you really want and why, create a plan, act on it, and enjoy all that you accomplish in this New Year and every year.

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Goal Setting and Reasons to Fail

You have written down your goals, are clear on what you want and are raring to go. However, months go by and you still haven’t achieved any of them – why? Setting goals and ensuring you have the motivation to succeed, is only one half of the equation; you also need to acknowledge those things that may prevent you from achieving those goals.

How to Establish Your Life Goals and Become Successful

We all have the desire to achieve success but why can’t we achieve it? To understand this you have to have an insight into the fundamental role of the subconscious. This is survival which is the strongest subconscious desire of all. You can look at this another way, the avoidance of pain. The subconscious will do its best to keep you free from pain and in whatever condition it perceives as safe (survival mode). In survival mode thinking is not clear and focus is very difficult therefore creativity and imagination are impeded (writers block caused by stress, a stammer caused by anxiety).

How to Set Successful Goals and New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions are easy to make but often so much harder to keep. Cori revealed her secrets to successful goals and resolutions on Breakfast Television this New Year’s Eve. Don’t worry if you weren’t able to catch her appearance-we’ve put together some information below that anyone can follow to make 2011 the most successful one yet.

Goal Setting – Preparing For The New Year Any Time Of The Year

Fear of failure holding you back? Having problems setting goals? Need more success in achieving goals? The tips in this article will help you get on the right track. Start off the New Year with a positive note. Goals are adult “do-overs!”

What Are You Dreaming Of?

Dreams are goals, goals are dreams and that could be real if we are eager to achieve it. All of us are dreaming for the things we wanted, things we loved and Success. We always have been dreaming for something new and for the best.

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Goals Setting – What It the Perfect Number of Yearly Goals to Set?

In the article we focus on short term goals and in particular look at how many goals you should be setting each year. The perfect number may surprise you.

5 Foolproof Tips for Keeping Those New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions — so easy to make, so hard to keep! Why is it we enter into them full of vigor and enthusiasm, but more often than not, start to flake just a few weeks later?

Resolutions and Desire

Have you kept your New Year’s resolution, or are you one of the 95% of people who fail? In this article I consider why people fail to keep resolutions and what strengths you really need to be one of the successful few.

New Year’s Resolution: Become Fitter And Healthier Today With 5 New Year’s Resolution Goals

A person’s good health and fitness is his most important New Year’s gift. When writing his resolution, he has to take this into account and set his goals accordingly. Once that he knows what his priority is, he can write his New Year’s Resolution with ease and with a sense of certainty.

Career Planning and Self Development

Our plans will serve as our goals and objectives to change our lives to a much better and more improved height of achievement. It should start with our Self Development as an individual, knowing our potentials and limitation is a good foundation.