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New Year – New Start

With the start of the New Year many people resolve to make a New Start with their life. The question is… what to do?

How To Make a New Year’s Resolution in 3 Easy Steps

Do you feel stuck in a rut? Out of options? Going nowhere? If you answered yes, help is just around the corner. What you need is a change, and you can make that change happen. It’s up to you and I can show you how.

7 Steps to Staying Positive and Sticking to Your Goals

Only listen to positive feedback, as that will bring more motivation, hence success. Similarly, any negative input will bring feelings of frustration and self- doubt. Get into the habit of even turning what you perceive as a negative situation, into a positive one, as you can find opportunities In a negative situation.

Watchwords – A Powerful Alternative to New Years Resolutions

I no longer believe in New Year’s Resolutions, but I do believe it is possible to set yourself up for success in the New Year. It just takes a new approach. Instead of setting resolutions, adopt a Watchword. It’s very simple really. You choose a word or phrase that becomes your theme for the year and use that as a benchmark for every decision and action all year. The beauty is that it teaches you a new way to be rather than just changing a couple of habits.

Can Visualization Bring You Happiness?

So we have all heard about visualization, positive affirmation, meditation etc. Do you believe in this? Can visualisation bring you happiness? Can it empower you, improve your health, increase your wealth and bring you your dreams? Is this just rubbish or only for people like Buddhists?