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Let’s Talk About New Years Resolutions

At the end of every year, we always reflect on all the things we have done; it may be good or bad, but then both made us a better person. You have learned wonderful lessons from all of those mistakes you have made and you always wish that you would not commit the same in the coming year. To resolve this issue, we make a New Years resolution.

Don’t Worry About the Details

Have you ever got spun up trying to figure out the details of a project and found yourself stuck because some of the details simply didn’t present themselves? The key is trusting that you are just fine where you are in the process of the plan or project. Perfection is already present so you don’t have to push or rush for it.

Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work and How To Write Goals That Will

We often make resolutions, that fade with the passing of the first few months. So, this year, instead of making vague, hopeful promises to yourself, why not decide to make some really specific individual goals that you can stick to? Here is a guide written using things that we learned and found useful, whilst studying NLP, to help you to write clear, effective goals.

Career Resolutions For the New Year – Career Audit/Evaluation First

As the year comes to a close it is necessary to take stock of the resolutions you had set at the beginning. This necessitates one to understand the levels of achievement attained viz a viz the pre-set goals. This exercise should form the basis for the coming years’ resolutions in light of the previous years’ performance.

New Year, New Beginnings

If you are anything like me, all hopes for a happy, healthy and prosperous new year are pinned on that one important night – New Years Eve. Resolutions are made – promises that we vow to lead a much healthier, honest and trouble free life. And, at that precise moment when I am making those promises to myself, for those few split seconds, I actually believe that I can do it, I can change and I will achieve my goal!

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Goals Setting – How to Set Yearly Goals

Goals setting is more of a process than a destination. This article looks at the process of goal setting, and focuses on how to set yearly goals.

Happy New Year 2011 – 4 Steps To Plan Your Goals

Did you know that most people set goals each year and never complete them? They are very easy to set but harder to see them through to the end. So help is on the way.

Happy New Year 2011 – Rules For Setting Yourself Some Goals

For several years now I have challenged myself to improve in my personal life and business world. Knowing it would not be easy but realizing that it would help expand my horizons. A new year has begun and some old goals mixed with news have been set.

The Number 1 New Year’s Resolution – Losing Weight

How do you plan for the New Year, and how do you keep your resolutions once you’ve made them? Read on to find out!

How to Ensure That a New Years Resolution Is Accomplished

At the end of one year and the beginning of another we put ourselves on the stand and play judge and jury. Before long we are casting a decree of what our resolution would be and what we must accomplish for the year. It is the natural course of events so why shouldn’t we be a part of this. The problem is not in making the New Year’s resolution nor is it in the result. The fact is we often know what we want and what changes are necessary in our life and it is easy to see from the results at the end of the year whether this has been accomplished. The problem lies in how the resolution is made.

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How to Achieve Your Goals and New Years Resolutions With Philosophy

“How to achieve your Goals and New Years Resolutions” With the Philosophy of Personal Development, you can achieve what must people can Not “The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don’t define them, learn about them or even seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them”. Denis Waitley First I like to take the opportunity to congratulate you for taking time to read this, you are already on target to…

The Secret To Reaching Outrageous Goals

Have you ever set lofty, audacious, outrageous goals? Only to discover a few months later that you have forgotten all about your goals, started goals and become overwhelmed or absolutely nothing happened.

SMART Goals, HARD Goals and Lost Goals

There are multiple approaches to achieving (versus losing sight of) goals. Current acronyms of SMART and HARD outline such approaches. However, I see goals get achieved or lost based primarily on just two variables, Time and Obstacles. What people and organizations do with these two variables, starting day one, is my best predictor of whether goals will be lost, with the specific approach being less significant. Again, it’s not the approach, it’s T & O – the willingness to put in the time and remove the obstacles.

Smart Goal Setting – Belief

If you don’t believe, you can’t achieve your smart goal setting. No matter how SMART it is.

How to Achieve Your Goals As Soon As Possible in Your Business

A lot of people believe that you need to finish your goals at a certain time. Ok a lot of this is true in many situations, but there are definitely many ways on how you can accelerate the course of your achieving your goals.

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7 Reasons to Set New Goals

One thing I absolutely love about a new year, or a new day for that matter, is that it gives us a fresh start to set new goals and implement new plans to pursue and achieve. I have recently set some new goals that have been keeping me very busy, motivated, and excited. One of my many goals began about three weeks ago.

Goals Setting – The Benefits of Writing a Journal

The idea of writing a journal may seem childish and a waste a time. However, the benefits obtained, especially for goals setting, are anything but a waste of time. A large percentage of the worlds greatest achievers and successful people have all kept journals or written about themselves and their lives on a daily basis. One example is Mozart. This article provides the benefits of keeping a journal.

A Goal Setting Template That Gets You The Results You Want Every Time

Creating a goal setting template for your master plan is the best way to stay on track until you achieve your goal. A common mistake is to take time out to decide what your goal is going to be, create a vision board with everything you are going to see and do on when you get to goal and then forget to take time out to plan each goal stage by stage. It is human nature to get distracted quite easily, if you think about the time span of a child with a new toy you will get the…

Tips for Achieving Your 2011 Goals

Any time of year is a good time to make healthy lifestyle changes, but the beginning of a new year is a time when most of us are filled with hope and enthusiasm to make the coming year even better than the previous one. Each January is a great time to set new intentions because it offers an easy-to-identify, traditional time to re-think and re-energize our goals.

12 Step Program: Follow These Steps To Accomplish Your Goals

As a manager of people, do you know how to lead your team through the goal setting process? We’ve got to come up with, define, and try to accomplish goals that are months away from fruition…that’s no easy task. Here are twelve steps to guide your team through the goal setting process.

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How to Come to Terms With Your New Self

Have you noticed that sometimes after a great change in your life you don’t feel comfortable.. You feel like a stranger to your own world. Why?…you’re simply not the same person any more, you have evolved!…If you take the time to stop and look back at the path you walked to achieve your goal you will understand what is happening.

Tips for Visualizing and Achieving Your Goals

Goal setting is fundamental for success in your work at home business. Learning to visualize and finally achieve your goals is the ideal situation for all. Discovering what your goals are through visualization is the only way to establish what your goals actually are. You have to sit down by yourself or with your family and meditate on what you want out of your business and life. After and only after your goals are defined will you come up with a course of action that will help you achieve your goals.

Want To Achieve Your Goals? Then Write Them Down

There’s an unstoppable energy that begins when you believe in your goals enough to write them down. You are making an emotional and physical commitment to doing what it takes to make your goals reality.

Is It Time You Rethink Your Goals?

If your current goals are not motivating you forward, then it may be time to take a good long look at where you are now and where you want to be in the future. Goals are not etched in stone. You have the right to change your mind and regroup your thoughts.

Goal Achievement Via The Short, Medium and Long-Term Goal Setting Approach

Goal achievement is easier when you break your goals up into manageable parts. This article shows you how to simplify the goal achievement process.