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The *EASIEST* $1,500/WEEK Method To Make Money Online For Beginners in 2023 (No Skills & Experience)

Shift or Get Off the Pot: 5 Secrets Towards Becoming More Accountable and Achieving Your Goals

It is time to shift your approach and get moving. Becoming more accountable and accomplishing your goals does not have to be a process filled with guilt. Learn some basic steps you can take to achieve this year’s goals and start living the dream you desire.

Simon Sinek – Start With Why

What is your “why?” What is your reason for being? What’s your passion? Simon Sinek shows how you can discover your purpose in this life. Each person’s journey is unique. Understanding why you do what you do can lead you to greater success and happiness than ever before.

How Guilt Undermines Your January Resolutions

A professor of mine used to remark, “The perfectly scientific life is impossible to lead.” You will sometimes fail to follow guidelines for good health. You will feel too tired to exercise, and you may be right. You can be so tired that you are more likely to have an accident or injure yourself. Or you may be in a situation where there is little healthful food available, and you don’t like what is available. So you indulge in the delicious stuff that is available. And then you feel guilty.

When Goal Setting Sucks

If you’ve ever found that you struggle with motivating yourself, setting goals and visualizing them each day; if you’ve ever found that after setting your goals it just doesn’t feel as good and motivating as you thought it would, or if you’ve ever found yourself sabotaging your own efforts to set new goals then most likely you don’t belong to the new-age goal setter society… Whatever, there is always an other way to go: if you don’t belong to the group of goal achievers you can still be hyper-successful by being an exceptional problem solver.

Meeting of Minds

Whenever two or minds meet another mind is formed but not necessarily a Master Mind, nor for the positive. All too often the meeting of two or more minds results in the formation of a mind focused on negative powers. When multiple minds meet many are unable to unite in harmony and result in volatile and negative powers. Think of a chemistry set, if you mix chemicals that work together in a harmonious way they produce power and positive results; yet mix chemicals that oppose each other and the results can be violent and explosive and many times deadly.

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The Number 1 Reason Most People Don’t Achieve Their Goals

I am passionate about goals and goal-setting for the simple reason that if I didn’t set goals, I would have achieved little to nothing over the last 13 years. Seriously. People often ask me how I manage to get so much done, not just on a daily basis, but on a big project or bucket list basis. The simple answer which is very short and sweet is that I set annual, monthly and weekly goals, and I work towards them. Do you know what is the number 1 reason most people don’t achieve their goals? It’s not lack of motivation. It’s not lack of willpower. It’s not lack of planning ability. It’s the inability to manage their time.

How To Stay FOCUSED And Succeed In The New Year

Setting goals or resolutions are not enough. One should learn the art of staying focused in order to succeed in life.

Become a Goal-Getter

If you have set goals and have not worked on achieving them it is time to get moving. This article can assist you with successful goal attainment.

I Don’t Believe in New Year’s Resolutions and Why You Shouldn’t Either

The principle of New Year’s resolution though well intentioned is misguided. Learn why it is misguided and get some tips on better options on how to reach your goals.

Resolution For Life

This year instead of making a resolution to change your life, I challenge you to make to make a RESOLUTION FOR LIFE! Decide right now what kind of lifestyle you want to live, make a plan on how to achieve that lifestyle and then set attainable goals that will help succeed!

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The Five Don’ts of Goals Setting

Goals setting works best when you make it a specific process for you needs and focus on the specific tasks that you need to undertake. If you are following someone else’s dream, or are not specific enough, then there is a high chance that you won’t be successful. This article focuses on the don’ts of goals setting to help you avoid them.

A Life Goals Checklist

To have smart goals is one thing but to make sure you achieve them means checking how you are doing. Here is a life goals checklist…

Goals Setting – What Not to Do

Goal setting is more of a journey rather than a destination. With this in mind, a lot of tips are provided on how to set your goals effectively and how to plan well to achieve your goals. In this article, rather than focusing on what to do, we thought we would focus on what not to do!

Falling Back Into Old Habits: Tip Number Two to Aid in Making Your New Year’s Resolutions Successful

Starting out 2011, many of us would like this year to be different. We would like to eat better, exercise more, spend more time with our families, have better relationships, or whatever else might be important. In the beginning, our hopes and dreams are strong and might bring about short-lived successes but the problem is that these successes often do not last long. Many individuals find it easier to slip back into old routines because that is what we are used to and it alleviates the stress of trying a new behaviour.

To Tell or Not To Tell

There are two schools of thoughts when it comes to setting personal and business goals. The first say you should tell people so it puts you on the spot. That by telling others what you plan to do will make you do it because you don’t want to look like a loser or a failure in their eyes. It’s like holding a hammer over your head so if you don’t do what you tell others you are going to do you will be embarrassed and or lose face. The second group says you should keep the plans to yourself and those that would support you. The reason you don’t tell anyone is because family and friends, although they have your wellbeing in mind will handicap your goals with their opinions and advice; sometimes they may even make fun of you trying to be humorous. Which method you choose is up to you, but will actually depend on your character. If you are the type that is easily swayed by others then you’ll want to keep your goals and plans to yourself and those that you know will support you.

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Your First Master Mind

Without a definite and practical plan your definite major purpose will be useless. After discovering your definite major purpose in life you need to sit down and develop a detail plan on how you’re going to achieve it and write it down. You also need to form your fist alliance with people that will help you achieve your goal. Your first alliance (master mind) could be between you and your spouse, your father or mother, your brothers or sisters, or a combination of any of them. But sometimes your family can be your biggest naysayers in which case look to your friends or the internet to form your first master mind group.

The Success Step of Setting Goals

In order to succeed in life, whether it is with business, sports, relationships, or any other aspect that is important to you, you have to know what it is you want, and what you need to accomplish in order to get it. Setting goals is the first step toward achieving whatever goal you happen to have set for yourself. The act of picking up a pen, and physically writing out for all the world to see “I want to start a business”, or “I want to lose 40 pounds” is a psychological one that turns something imaginary into something…

Are You a Working Mum Struggling With New Year’s Resolutions?

Are you a working mum having trouble meeting your New Year’s resolutions? Find out why 78% of people fail and how you can increase you chance to succeed.

Resolutions to Reality – Keeping Your Promises to Yourself in 2011

It is hard to change yourself! And sustaining those changes can be an even more challenging task, which explains why most people have already abandoned their New Year’s resolutions by the time Valentine’s Day rolls around. If you are starting to feel your enthusiasm for change waning, let’s revive your drive by looking at what is required to maintain lasting life changes.

Tracking Towards Your Desired Destination?

Have you set your 2011 goals to help you track toward your desired destination, or will another year slip by where someone or something else sets your course? Do you have an action plan designed to help you achieve your goals and a support structure to keep you accountable?

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NEW Way To Make $300/DAY With ChatGPT (For Beginners) Make Money Online 2023

Why You Really Need To Write Down Your Goals!

In This article we will discuss why it is absolutely so important for you to write down your goals and exactly how this process will help you. You will learn how to stay focused and stay on the road to your success!

Tips On How To Stick With Your New Year’s Resolutions For Small Business Owners

Advice and simple straight to the point tips for people looking to build their own business to make their new year’s goals a habit right from the start. As eyes look forward to a new business year, many Small Business Owners are hoping that this upcoming year will be the one that catapults them into success. But, Small Business Owners often overlook a key element when making their plans and resolutions.

Nursing Career Goals – How High Can They Take You?

When you talk about a career in nursing, some people feel like it’ll be eternal bed pan duty. Others see opportunities to work with doctors, side by side, in the surgical theater, and others see it as an opportunity to help a lot of people who really appreciate their efforts.

Goal Setting – Staying Motivated

You know you want to achieve your goal, so why do you struggle to stay motivated? Sometimes we can work so hard striving to achieve a particular goal, we sometimes lose our focus and motivation on where we are actually headed. So, how can you stay motivated and on track?

5 Tips How to Improve Productivity (and Start the New Year on the Right Foot)

It happens all too often – we ring in the New Year with the best of intentions and make all sorts of promises to ourselves. Then little by little, we let those good intentions slip away and our goals fall by the wayside. A very frustrating and discouraging situation indeed, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If we apply some of the techniques how to improve productivity, we can keep our goals and resolutions within sight and make progress toward their realization.

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6 Ways to Turn This Year’s Resolutions Into Reality

The first weeks back at work are the ‘real’ start of the new year for many people after the relief and rest of seasonal holidays. Check out which of these 6 goal-accomplishment keys might be useful new year resolutions refreshers, so that this year can be your best year ever. First things first…

It Is Not a Secret Anymore – Without a Purpose All Your Goal-Settings Are Futile

You know how many people set up goals and then give them up completely? You may be one of them. You may be one of those people who want something but never actually go and reach for that goal, or, in other words, never take action. Why does that happen? Are you really one to blame? Or is some external circumstance is guilty again?

Goals Setting – Facing Your Fears and Improving Your Self-Belief

To be successful in goals setting you need to do more than just plan and write down your goals. You need to change your mind set and challenge some of the biggest fears that you have, and equally as importantly, develop your own self-belief. This article shows you how to do both of these and set yourself up on the track to success.

New Years Resolution Broken? If So, Don’t Despair!

January 20th marked the day that most people would break their New Years Resolutions. This interesting article explains that maybe it’s not such a bad thing after all. You will learn step-by-step how to set strong goals using the SMART strategy to achieve success with your self-improvement plan throughout the year.

Instant Mastery

I’ve always said that goal-setting isn’t about what you’re going after; it’s about who you become along the way. I think we sometimes glide over the top of those neat little answers thinking, Yes, I know what that means. Yep, I agree. But sometimes we have to stop ourselves in our tracks and take a good hard look and actually register what it means.