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EFT And Your Resolutionary War – Part 2

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is an energy based tapping technique that neutralizes your bodies energy system. EFT can help you stay on track with your New Years Resolutions and Goals.

Create What You Really Want This Year

Brand new year and a fresh start. Every day offers us this very same thing, but something about the New Year, the connected combined energy of minds worldwide joining together to claim our hearts’ desires, that puts extra energy behind the newness.

4 Secrets For Setting Goals That Excite And Thrill You (And You Can Reach!)

I love the start of the year. The feeling of completion while looking back at the year that passed, noting my accomplishments and celebrating growth, and then looking forward and being excited to ask myself, what do I really want to create for this year moving forward? It thrills and excites me!

How to Make a Decision for Wealth This Year

Poverty is an issue of the mind, so also are riches. You become poor or rich depending on where you have conditioned or anchored your mind. You fail or succeed first in your mind. As a result, you must condition your mind that you must succeed; otherwise, nothing you build on this shaky foundation will stand.

Definite Chief Aim

Over the span of fourteen years 16,000 people were analyzed and of those ninety-five percent were found to be failures. They were failures because they had failed to happiness and obtaining the necessities of life was a challenge that was almost unbearable. The struggle of those all over the world for a mere existence is common among people who have not learned how to organize and direct their natural talents; they lack a Definite Chief Aim in life. These people are engaged in work they do not like nor enjoy; in some countries they have no choice but to work where they are told. The five percent of people that are successful have jobs they enjoy are able to buy that which they need and want with ease; the reason being they had a purpose with a definite aim in mind, something to achieve and obtain for their efforts.

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This 10-MINUTE Methods Pays +$1,000 EVERY WEEK! NO Skills Needed! (Make Money Online In 2023)

Turning Resolutions Into Goals

Why do our resolutions end in failure? It’s due to the lack of a plan. A resolution is nothing more than a wish until it is turned into a written and planned goal.

Goal Setting and Getting Clear for Success

Goal Setting, Getting Clear and Focus are the most important aspects of success and achievement. Not being clear with what you want give to much control to environment and situation based factors, if you simply indicate you want change, you are guaranteed to get it however it may not be positive change setting you further back to fulfilling the need that your goal is intended to resolve. When you are clear with what you want you have the ability to curve your perceptions of any events that occur in your life. This is the trick to successful Goal Setting. You must be clear.

Goals Setting – Getting the Most Out of Your Day

Successful goals setting is as much about finding time to undertake your goals as it is about the actual setting of them. If you are a highly motivated person, and have a plan in place to achieve your goals, then, the more time you find to do them the better chance you have of achieving. As an added bonus you will also achieve your goals quicker as well. This article provides four tips to help you get the most out of each day.

Chasing A Dream: Why It Feels Like Flying

Effective goal achievement feels like flying: the sense of freedom is exhilarating, but it can also be terrifying. However, if your goal doesn’t cause you at least some internal discomfort when you think about it, then you’re probably not setting a big enough goal.

Achieve Your Goals With This Specific Step!

Are you ready to finally achieve a goal? It seems like all of us have goals, but actually reaching those goals is harder than most people realize. You may have a deep desire to see a change in your own life. Maybe you want to improve your fitness, increase your income, or live with less stress. But how should you carry out those changes? Besides breaking your goal into a step by step strategy, what else can you do to finally make your goals more obtainable?

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UNIQUE $1,000/WEEK Method That Pays & NOBODY Does It! (Make Money Online In 2023)

Define Your Career Growth on Your Terms

Where would you like to see yourself, career wise, this time next year? Do you make plans and never follow through? This article will give you ten tips to choose from – choose ONE of them to get started on your renewed career journey. Each step will require some effort on your part to research yourself or information about your career interests. If you could do one action that would make a difference – what would it be? This is they key for you to get started in your career growth. Make a commitment and take action today.

Three Is The Magic Number – Start Setting Goals

New Years resolutions are great, if only you were successful in achieving the list you made for yourself. The new year rolls around and you’re still stuck in a rut. So what is the answer to making the changes that you desire? The answer is, set 3 goals and list 3 things that will get you to those goals.

Happy New Year! Why I Prefer to Not Make Resolutions

First of all I just wanted to say a big Happy New Years for 2011 brides and grooms to be. Have you made any resolutions? I do… sort of I just don’t call them resolutions because I know that it’s just setting myself up for failure. So I do things a little differently to ensure that I set a few things to work on to improve myself and my life. Here are the steps I take and if you’d like to use them or a variation on them, by all means:).

Learn the One and Only Question Process to Personal Goal Setting

There is an old saying which says that “If you don’t know where you’re going any road will take you there” it’s so true – if you don’t know what you’re meant to do with your life then there is no need to plan and think because the time of life will pass by itself without your information and knowledge. But suppose you’re a different person with a winning internal locus of control then it becomes paramount for you to engage in a personal strategic planning again and again to ensure a purpose driven life.

Incredible New Year’s Resolutions

New Year is here and that means you have to make changes in your life if you want to improve it. There are lots of tips and ideas which you can easily follow that will surely give you a lot of benefits. Read this article and you will learn some of the basic things that could change your life this year!

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This EASY DFY Method Makes +$4,000 PER DAY! Copy It NOW! ZERO Skills! (Make Money Online In 2023)

Changing Lanes On The Road Of Life

Our life is like a travel on the road. There are lanes we travel straight ahead, and there are events that test our courage whether we must change lane or break the obstacle.

Why ‘I Before E’ Is Wrong For Goal Achievement!

If I said to you ‘i before e’, I would expect you to respond with a resounding ‘except after c’. An interesting theory is that you would be wrong, so read on to find out how I think this affects goal achievement…

Who Invented New Year’s Resolutions?

Find out who invented New Year’s resolutions. The 1st of January is known to be the start of a new year of a new calendar. Whenever the day approaches, people would look back at their life for the past year and think about what they could do better in or achieve the following year.

How Many of You Realize That Impossible Is Only a Word?

Everybody, at some point in time of their life, has thought of becoming someone special, someone important. Who hasn’t dreamed of being the hero of a hockey game scoring the winning goal or hitting the winning home run in a baseball game? Who has never dreamed of becoming the homecoming queen?

Goal Setting For Life Tips To Achieve Your Dreams

Goal setting is a quintessential step in achieving one’s dream in life. By setting your goals, you’ll have a clear picture of what you want accomplish and how you will attain it. It will give you a well-defined process on what you need to do to avoid failure and guarantee success. Goal setting for life should be done in a smart way.

Clever $500/DAY Method That NOBODY IS DOING RIGHT NOW To Make Money Online For Beginners In 2023

Clever $500/DAY Method That NOBODY IS DOING RIGHT NOW To Make Money Online For Beginners In 2023

Working Your Way To A Better Life

Most people want a better life than the one they are living at the moment. The reality is, however, that most people don’t know exactly what they mean by the phrase “a better life” They have flashes of sitting on the beach of some tropical island sipping exotic drinks, but in all honesty, there surely must be more than that to the better life. That notion might be nice for a little while, but anything done day after day, week in, week out becomes tedious.

Achieve Any Goal With An Action Plan

Making goals is very important to getting to where you want in life. The most successful people on the planet make goals for themselves to work for on a regular basis. They push themselves to achieve the things that they want by creating a perfect focus on the item that they want.

Goals Setting – How to Plan Your Day

To be successful in goals setting you must be consistently productive every day. If you focus on achieving as much as you can each day you will achieve your goals quicker and become a more effective and efficient person. To achieve the most out of each day you need to have a plan, and make sure you are doing the right tasks. This article shows you how.

Goals Setting – What Are the Benefits?

We spend a lot of time talking about goals setting, the processes you can go through, the types of goals you should be setting and other specific components. However, one high level aspects that we also need to look at, is what are the benefits, and why should you goals set. This article discusses the benefits of goals setting.

Goals Setting – The Benefit of Writing Goals Down

Any good goals setter or goals setting program will tell you that you should write down your goals. It is almost the 101 of goals setting. But have you ever stopped to think why this is actually the case, and what benefits do you actually derive from writing down your goals? In this article we share with you the secret benefits of writing down your goals, as well as some of the secrets of the super goal achievers.

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The *EASIEST* $1,500/WEEK Method To Make Money Online For Beginners in 2023 (No Skills & Experience)

Shift or Get Off the Pot: 5 Secrets Towards Becoming More Accountable and Achieving Your Goals

It is time to shift your approach and get moving. Becoming more accountable and accomplishing your goals does not have to be a process filled with guilt. Learn some basic steps you can take to achieve this year’s goals and start living the dream you desire.

Simon Sinek – Start With Why

What is your “why?” What is your reason for being? What’s your passion? Simon Sinek shows how you can discover your purpose in this life. Each person’s journey is unique. Understanding why you do what you do can lead you to greater success and happiness than ever before.

How Guilt Undermines Your January Resolutions

A professor of mine used to remark, “The perfectly scientific life is impossible to lead.” You will sometimes fail to follow guidelines for good health. You will feel too tired to exercise, and you may be right. You can be so tired that you are more likely to have an accident or injure yourself. Or you may be in a situation where there is little healthful food available, and you don’t like what is available. So you indulge in the delicious stuff that is available. And then you feel guilty.

When Goal Setting Sucks

If you’ve ever found that you struggle with motivating yourself, setting goals and visualizing them each day; if you’ve ever found that after setting your goals it just doesn’t feel as good and motivating as you thought it would, or if you’ve ever found yourself sabotaging your own efforts to set new goals then most likely you don’t belong to the new-age goal setter society… Whatever, there is always an other way to go: if you don’t belong to the group of goal achievers you can still be hyper-successful by being an exceptional problem solver.

Meeting of Minds

Whenever two or minds meet another mind is formed but not necessarily a Master Mind, nor for the positive. All too often the meeting of two or more minds results in the formation of a mind focused on negative powers. When multiple minds meet many are unable to unite in harmony and result in volatile and negative powers. Think of a chemistry set, if you mix chemicals that work together in a harmonious way they produce power and positive results; yet mix chemicals that oppose each other and the results can be violent and explosive and many times deadly.

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*NEW!* Earn Your First $490.40 ONLINE With CPA Marketing As A Beginner! (Just 10 MIN!)

The Key to Successful Goal Achievement – What You Must Master If You Want to Achieve Your Goals

Goal achievement is often such an uphill task that some individuals don’t even bother with goal setting – choosing instead to drift through life. Here’s a look at the fundamental reason why individuals often fail to achieve their goals.

Help! I Have Fallen’ Off the “Wellness” Wagon and Can’t Get Up – Tips for Achieving Your 2011 Goals

It’s not too late get back to your goals and resolutions for 2011! Just because you may have slipped in the last while doesn’t mean you have to wait until New Year’s Eve 2012 to get back on track. It’s time to get over yourself and recommit.

Budgets, Discipline, Debt, Self Help

Tips on avoiding debt, and what to do about a budget. How to figure out all this about money, and tips for follow a goal oriented plan.

Tips to Successful Goal Setting

How are you doing with your resolutions? Did you set a goal to loose weight, stop drinking, stop smoking? If so, how are you doing?

Goals Setting – How to Set Goals That Are Achievable

The purpose of goals setting is to set goals that will challenge you but that you can actually achieve. Simple. Unfortunately, a lot of goals setters, especially the ones that just set their goals on New Years Eve or New Years day, don’t think about their goals in enough detail or think about what it will take to achieve them. The end result is often none of the goals been achieve, and the same goals setting on New Years Eve taking place the next year. In this article we provide tips on how to set effective goals that you can achieve.