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New Year Wishes – This Could Be the Year Your Wishes Come True

A system for achieving new year resolutions. This is the year to make New Year Wishes instead.

The 20 Key Principles of Goal Setting

Do you want to start seeing changes in your life? I’m here to tell you that you can and that you will if you follow these simple principles. All I ask is that you dare to dream. Ask yourself, “If I knew I could not fail, what would I do?” Dream as you did when you were a child; when you had a world of opportunity and possibilities. Dream as though you have no limits, because honestly you don’t. These 20 simple, but key principles will jump-start your life again; give you new energy, excitement, passion and leap you forward from where you are now to where it is that you want to go, faster than you ever dared to dream.

New Year’s Resolutions – Why?

So the time is upon us again for the New Year’s resolutions, but why do people do this? Let’s take a closer look at this, from the outside in. I watch every year, people set these New Year’s Resolutions and publicly announce them as though no one will know if they reach their goal or not.

You Are on Time Out

Why do we put our children on time out when they do something that is inappropriate? It is to stop what they were doing, reflect and move on. It works every time with my children when there are some ‘problems’ that need immediate fixing.

Achieve Personal Satisfaction

The more we know about ourselves, the better we can live our lives and achieve personal satisfaction. Knowledge about retirement is often skimpy and many times incorrect. We gain information from sources we are sometimes unaware of. It seems we simply pick it up out of the air.

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Goals Setting – How to Set Yearly Goals

Goals setting is more of a process than a destination. This article looks at the process of goal setting, and focuses on how to set yearly goals.

Happy New Year 2011 – 4 Steps To Plan Your Goals

Did you know that most people set goals each year and never complete them? They are very easy to set but harder to see them through to the end. So help is on the way.

Happy New Year 2011 – Rules For Setting Yourself Some Goals

For several years now I have challenged myself to improve in my personal life and business world. Knowing it would not be easy but realizing that it would help expand my horizons. A new year has begun and some old goals mixed with news have been set.

The Number 1 New Year’s Resolution – Losing Weight

How do you plan for the New Year, and how do you keep your resolutions once you’ve made them? Read on to find out!

How to Ensure That a New Years Resolution Is Accomplished

At the end of one year and the beginning of another we put ourselves on the stand and play judge and jury. Before long we are casting a decree of what our resolution would be and what we must accomplish for the year. It is the natural course of events so why shouldn’t we be a part of this. The problem is not in making the New Year’s resolution nor is it in the result. The fact is we often know what we want and what changes are necessary in our life and it is easy to see from the results at the end of the year whether this has been accomplished. The problem lies in how the resolution is made.

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Goals Setting – What It the Perfect Number of Yearly Goals to Set?

In the article we focus on short term goals and in particular look at how many goals you should be setting each year. The perfect number may surprise you.

5 Foolproof Tips for Keeping Those New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions — so easy to make, so hard to keep! Why is it we enter into them full of vigor and enthusiasm, but more often than not, start to flake just a few weeks later?

Resolutions and Desire

Have you kept your New Year’s resolution, or are you one of the 95% of people who fail? In this article I consider why people fail to keep resolutions and what strengths you really need to be one of the successful few.

New Year’s Resolution: Become Fitter And Healthier Today With 5 New Year’s Resolution Goals

A person’s good health and fitness is his most important New Year’s gift. When writing his resolution, he has to take this into account and set his goals accordingly. Once that he knows what his priority is, he can write his New Year’s Resolution with ease and with a sense of certainty.

Career Planning and Self Development

Our plans will serve as our goals and objectives to change our lives to a much better and more improved height of achievement. It should start with our Self Development as an individual, knowing our potentials and limitation is a good foundation.

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The Correct Way to Plan and Set Your Goals

Everyone plans goals differently. This is all due to their existing circumstances, assets, physical and mental aptitude and all sorts of other issues. You can, however, stick to some rules to make certain that your goals are plausible. A lot of people set their goals too high at the beginning, only to fail and get disenchanted for the rest of their life.

Problems You May Have When You Try to Achieve Your Goals

All successful people have experienced problems at one time or another when working towards their goals. Problems are unavoidable in every successful person’s life, so when working towards your goals don’t expect everything just to fall into your lap.

Have the Right Mind-Set and Achieve Your Goals

People can either be triumphant in their goals or flop in their goals. This is purely because they have not implemented the right mind-set that eventually produces successes. The good thing about having the right mind-set is that you can stay victorious for life and realize your goals, in spite of what life throws at you.

A Big Lesson I Learnt From Jacaranda Trees

Spring in Johannesburg is absolutely beautiful. The jacarandas bloom, the rains clear the smog and all is well with the world. There’s a park I drive by on my way home from work. At one point I turn left and then right into my street. As I take that left turn I check the traffic coming from the other side and, when I turn my head, I gaze straight down a row of jacaranda trees in the park. Picture it – a row of beautiful purple trees. There’s something about the orderliness of nature that appeals to me. That, and the purple. I kept telling myself, “I should pull over and take some pics”. But I didn’t. Always in a hurry to get home to see the babies. But one day I wasn’t in too much of a hurry. I’d finally determined in my heart that “today was the day”, turned the corner, looked and the jacarandas were gone. Normal, green trees where the purple flowers had been just a few weeks earlier. I was dismayed!

The Benefits of Goal Setting

Goal setting has so many positives that it is hard to list them in a short article. The sad fact is however, that there are not many individuals that actually write goals, and even less people that write goals properly. In this article we will look at what the benefits are, and how you can go about achieving them.

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Don’t Forget Your Goals

It’s a the new year, a new month or a new week – either way it is a chance to start again,and fill up a blank slate with your goals. However, goals have a tendency to go the way of resolutions. We start of with great intentions, wonderful ambitions, and lofty goals.

Goals Setting – Three Tips to Help You Effectively Manage Time

Goals setting is made effective by working persistently and consistently on goals that are important to you. A problem that most people find is that they run out of time to work on their goals. The main reason for this is that working on goals is generally not in the urgent set of tasks that someone undertakes every day. So needless to say it makes way for other tasks. This article provides three tips to help you manage your time.

Setting Your Objectives to Start Your Home Business – Easier Said, Easily Done

The fundamentals of establishing an objective is surely a well-known secret by top-caliber sports athletes, successful businessmen as well as businesswomen and all kinds of high achievers in all the different areas. The fundamentals of establishing objectives provide you with short-term and also long-term drive and focus. They help you set focus on the acquisition of necessary knowledge plus allow you to plan and also arrange your assets as well as your time so as to obtain the best from your existence.

Simple Effective Goal Setting To Achieving Success!

When you are trying to get ahead of the main stream in life, simple effective goal setting is an important piece to the puzzle. In order to accomplish all that you want in your life you need to have goals that push you forward.

Types of New Years Resolutions That Will Really Change Your Life

You can always take simple resolutions throughout the year to improve yourself. Life is short. Don’t waste time to take decisions to make your life better in every way possible.

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How to Come to Terms With Your New Self

Have you noticed that sometimes after a great change in your life you don’t feel comfortable.. You feel like a stranger to your own world. Why?…you’re simply not the same person any more, you have evolved!…If you take the time to stop and look back at the path you walked to achieve your goal you will understand what is happening.

Tips for Visualizing and Achieving Your Goals

Goal setting is fundamental for success in your work at home business. Learning to visualize and finally achieve your goals is the ideal situation for all. Discovering what your goals are through visualization is the only way to establish what your goals actually are. You have to sit down by yourself or with your family and meditate on what you want out of your business and life. After and only after your goals are defined will you come up with a course of action that will help you achieve your goals.

Want To Achieve Your Goals? Then Write Them Down

There’s an unstoppable energy that begins when you believe in your goals enough to write them down. You are making an emotional and physical commitment to doing what it takes to make your goals reality.

Is It Time You Rethink Your Goals?

If your current goals are not motivating you forward, then it may be time to take a good long look at where you are now and where you want to be in the future. Goals are not etched in stone. You have the right to change your mind and regroup your thoughts.

Goal Achievement Via The Short, Medium and Long-Term Goal Setting Approach

Goal achievement is easier when you break your goals up into manageable parts. This article shows you how to simplify the goal achievement process.

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Breaking the Cycle of Resolution Breaking

How long will your New Year’s resolution last? How can you keep from breaking it? Here are a couple of tips to help out.

5 Steps to Goal Setting Success

Before we set out to accomplish anything at all, we must begin with a clear picture in our minds of already having achieved our goal. We wouldn’t even imagine trying to glue broken pieces of pottery back together without any idea of what it’s supposed to look like. So, why should we go through life without a clear purpose? Once we begin to visualize something, we can begin to figure out how to make it happen.

Successful Goal Setting Strategies

I am sure you are asking, aren’t all goal setting strategies the same. Well, no, they are not. Why do I not reach my goals?

Setting Home Business Goals: The What, Why and How

One of the biggest challenges in achieving home business goals is differentiating accurately between the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ in goal setting. The goal itself is the ‘what’, the strategy to achieve it is the ‘how’, and the benefits that will accrue from successful achievement are the ‘why’.

Stop Stressing!

Happy New Year! If you’re like me, you are already stressing out just thinking about all the things you want to accomplish this year. Before you have a melt down and do nothing, sit down, take a deep breath, create a plan of action, set priorities, make things happen! Make this year, YOUR BEST YEAR YET!