This Could Be The Most Important Thing That You Do This Year
It’s a new year so set some goals. Make a Bucket List. Measure your success.
Resolutions, One Small Step at a TimeWhenever you set yourself a new goal, such as a New Year resolution, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the size of the task. This could leave you defeated before you begin.
Thinking About Quitting Your Job – 5 Reasons Why You Should or Should Not Quit Your JobQuitting your job is something that almost all of us think about at times. There are so many different factors that can lead to this thought. Maybe you had a bad day at work, can not stand your boss, sick of what you are doing, the pay is not enough, or just can not stand the environment in general.
Another New Year, Another New Year’s ResolutionDon’t let another New Year’s Resolution become a dissolution. Follow these tips and create your own strategy for setting accomplishing your goals in 2011!
Goal Setting for the Everyday PersonFor one thing, goals concentrate and give focus to our personal energy. When we get the goal setting process right, they do this very well. By defining what we want to do and then set reasonable time limits in which to get things done, goals bring out the best in us.