How to Set and Keep a New Year’s Resolution
Well, it’s that time of the year again. For many of us, it’s time to leave a year of unrealized goals behind us and move forward with new, fresh steam into a new year of triumph. Is that you? If so, you’re not alone.
Two-Faced JanusAs you are probably aware, the month of January takes its name from the Roman God Janus who had two faces which enabled him to look back into the past and forward to the future. This image is fitting for the ending of one year and the beginning of the next as it is part of the human condition not only to reflect on the past year and how it has affected us but to consider our future life with all its hopes and fears. While this may well be a very cathartic exercise I do think that once…
What Are Your Goals and Resolutions for 2011?Why do most people set goals and resolutions and don’t stick to them in order to achieve them? Do you have a definite purpose by which you live? Are your goals set yearly to progressively achieve this purpose?
A New Year, A New BeginningGoal setting is not an all or nothing concept. As we begin a new year and reflect on our performance, a pass or fail or approach can be deflating. Because what we focus on expands, it is important to celebrate each success no matter how small. The New Year is a promise of a new beginning. Embrace your new beginning and choose success!
9 Reasons Why People Don’t Set GoalsMany people have dreams in their life but most of them lack goal setting. Unfortunately a dream can never be achieved without a proper goal setting. There are many reasons why people fail to set goals. This article discusses nine reasons why people don’t set goals.