Tend to Your Mind
Your mind is like a garden, if left to run wild it will fill with weeds and choke out the crops. If you don’t take notice and control your thoughts your goals will fall by the wayside and you won’t achieve what you set out to do. This is especially true when you are online. You connect to the internet to accomplish a specific task and the next thing you know you’re looking at a website about God knows what. How did you get here and how much time have you wasted? If you’re running an online, or even an offline, business you must have specific goals when you connect to the internet because it is way too easy to become side tracked.
Stuck in the Rut? 5 Tips to Set Better GoalsWe’ve all set goals we want to achieve – but have fallen miserably short of achieving them. Whether a New Year’s resolution to stop smoking; or a birthday promise that next year you will be in a better job/location/relationship; we have all struggled to achieve what we wanted to achieve, at some point in our life.
Achieving Your Goals Through Good Habits!Achieving your goals through good habits, sounds easy doesn’t it? Well It Is, of course that’s when you get into the habit!
Attaining New Year Resolutions, a Step by Step GuideSo the New Year is upon us and everyone wants to makes New Year resolutions that they wish to carry through at least beyond January. However, the problem people have is that they set unrealistic goals and then at the end of the year they look back and are disappointed they did not achieve what they wanted to; then they go and make that same unrealistic resolution the next year. So how can you set realistic goals and get out of that loop of the never ending new year’s resolutions?
Stay In Focus, Create Your Vision Board!Are you still on track with your goals? In this article I want to talk about simple little steps to help you keep your focus on that goals and have some fun at the same time! Your Vision Board.