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Let’s Talk About New Years Resolutions

At the end of every year, we always reflect on all the things we have done; it may be good or bad, but then both made us a better person. You have learned wonderful lessons from all of those mistakes you have made and you always wish that you would not commit the same in the coming year. To resolve this issue, we make a New Years resolution.

Don’t Worry About the Details

Have you ever got spun up trying to figure out the details of a project and found yourself stuck because some of the details simply didn’t present themselves? The key is trusting that you are just fine where you are in the process of the plan or project. Perfection is already present so you don’t have to push or rush for it.

Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work and How To Write Goals That Will

We often make resolutions, that fade with the passing of the first few months. So, this year, instead of making vague, hopeful promises to yourself, why not decide to make some really specific individual goals that you can stick to? Here is a guide written using things that we learned and found useful, whilst studying NLP, to help you to write clear, effective goals.

Career Resolutions For the New Year – Career Audit/Evaluation First

As the year comes to a close it is necessary to take stock of the resolutions you had set at the beginning. This necessitates one to understand the levels of achievement attained viz a viz the pre-set goals. This exercise should form the basis for the coming years’ resolutions in light of the previous years’ performance.

New Year, New Beginnings

If you are anything like me, all hopes for a happy, healthy and prosperous new year are pinned on that one important night – New Years Eve. Resolutions are made – promises that we vow to lead a much healthier, honest and trouble free life. And, at that precise moment when I am making those promises to myself, for those few split seconds, I actually believe that I can do it, I can change and I will achieve my goal!

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How to Stick to New Year’s Resolutions

It’s a new year. Time to set new goals, for a new you. Setting goals are good. How do we keep them?

Goals Setting – How to Reach Your Goals

The question is often asked how do you keep working hard in your goals setting. This article provides some tips and tricks for staying on track day after day and slowing building a road towards your goals.

Finding Your Purpose Through Inspiring Sports Motivations Part 1 – Definition of Purpose

When we look at true inspirational people like Lance Armstrong, Jim Abbot, Team Hoyt, etc, one cannot help wondering where they find passion and energy to do what they are doing. Despite their severe handicap, they still participated in the toughest sports and end up inspiring everyone who had come to know their stories.

Will You Achieve Your New Years Resolutions Or Will They Drop Off Like Every Other Year?

With the new year just gone and people focusing on the new year and the changes they can make in their lives now is the time to make resolutions that you can and will actually achieve this year. There are a few hints and tips that may help you make a success of your new year as opposed to it being the same things again and again.

Forget New Year’s Resolutions and Create a Plan for Success

If you want to achieve success in the New Year, forget making resolutions. Figure out what you really want and why, create a plan, act on it, and enjoy all that you accomplish in this New Year and every year.

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Goal Setting Process Made Easy

You are bombarded with more than nine million results when you search for the term “goal setting” and it becomes a tedious job to sift through the whole search. The more you search, higher are the chances that you will get lost into the unnecessary information. The problem for the beginners is that they do not know how to start goal setting process. They easily get confused with so many options available to them. So here is an easiest way to making your life more organized and successful.

Do Your Number 10 Thing

A friend of mine always has her grandchildren decide what their #10 thing is when they come to visit her….in other words, what is the most important thing that they each want to do during their visit, the one thing that they can’t go home without doing? She and each grandchild select their #10 thing, and she makes sure they do each item on the list during their visit. So what is YOUR #10 thing this year? Have you done it yet?

Importance of Goal Setting

When an athlete prepares for a run, his primary aim is to defeat his competitors and win. A person applying for a job wants to be accepted by the company. A student will burn midnight oil to be successful in the final exams. A person training in gym will try to lose weight in a short period of time. All the examples above have one attribute in common and that is, the goal setting. Everyone is treading in order to achieve those goals that they had set for their lives. The importance of making goals cannot be under estimated because success and achievement both depend upon it.

Smart Goal Setting – Action Steps

Mapping out an exact strategy is a very important step in smart goal setting. This one of the fundamental pieces to achieve your goals.

How to Make a Task List You Will Actually Act On

A To-Do list that is just a long list of end goals just causes more stress for me, because it does not seem achievable. The goals are vague or seem unattainable, or perhaps the list is overambitious so you have no idea where to begin. With no sense of hope that the list will be completed, you are likely to just give up, abandon the list, and never even get started at getting things done. That has not been a helpful list.