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How to Come to Terms With Your New Self

Have you noticed that sometimes after a great change in your life you don’t feel comfortable.. You feel like a stranger to your own world. Why?…you’re simply not the same person any more, you have evolved!…If you take the time to stop and look back at the path you walked to achieve your goal you will understand what is happening.

Tips for Visualizing and Achieving Your Goals

Goal setting is fundamental for success in your work at home business. Learning to visualize and finally achieve your goals is the ideal situation for all. Discovering what your goals are through visualization is the only way to establish what your goals actually are. You have to sit down by yourself or with your family and meditate on what you want out of your business and life. After and only after your goals are defined will you come up with a course of action that will help you achieve your goals.

Want To Achieve Your Goals? Then Write Them Down

There’s an unstoppable energy that begins when you believe in your goals enough to write them down. You are making an emotional and physical commitment to doing what it takes to make your goals reality.

Is It Time You Rethink Your Goals?

If your current goals are not motivating you forward, then it may be time to take a good long look at where you are now and where you want to be in the future. Goals are not etched in stone. You have the right to change your mind and regroup your thoughts.

Goal Achievement Via The Short, Medium and Long-Term Goal Setting Approach

Goal achievement is easier when you break your goals up into manageable parts. This article shows you how to simplify the goal achievement process.

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How to Set Goals Effectively

Goals setting is a relatively easy process once you have the knowledge and confidence to undertake it properly. Unfortunately many people don’t goals set properly, or in a lot of cases don’t goal set at all. This is a shame because it can offer so many benefits in your life. It can help to create a happier, healthier and more successful you. In this article we show you how to goal set.

How to Motivate Yourself to Success – 3 Goal Setting Strategies That Work

Motivation is a funny thing. It seems to come and go. But when you know the secret of how to motivate yourself, life gets a lot easier. It becomes less of a challenge. When you use the 3 goal setting strategies that follow, you can be sure that staying motivated will no longer be a challenge.

Goal Setting – New Year’s Resolutions

Every year we make endless New Year’s Resolutions telling ourselves that we are going to follow through with our plans and goals or reform our habits only to reach December and then say “oh well, will definitely do it next year”. So we go round and round in circles trying to play catch up and never really achieving what we set out to achieve.

Here’s A Quick Way Your Team Can Accomplish Goals

Teams are all about goals. We have personal goals, short-term goals, and long-term goals. But before we get into how to actually accomplish your goals, let’s go back to the beginning and check out what you need to accomplish your goals. Check out the three things that you’ll need in order to accomplish your goals.

Now Is the Time to Write Your New Year Resolutions

“But we’re almost at the end of January” I hear you cry. Precisely why now is the best time to revisit your resolutions. Most of us set resolutions, or goals, for the coming year at the wrong time, perhaps with heightened emotions due to the party atmosphere or being alcohol fuelled, we tend to make decisions with very little regard for what will soon reveal itself as our new year reality.

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Breaking the Cycle of Resolution Breaking

How long will your New Year’s resolution last? How can you keep from breaking it? Here are a couple of tips to help out.

5 Steps to Goal Setting Success

Before we set out to accomplish anything at all, we must begin with a clear picture in our minds of already having achieved our goal. We wouldn’t even imagine trying to glue broken pieces of pottery back together without any idea of what it’s supposed to look like. So, why should we go through life without a clear purpose? Once we begin to visualize something, we can begin to figure out how to make it happen.

Successful Goal Setting Strategies

I am sure you are asking, aren’t all goal setting strategies the same. Well, no, they are not. Why do I not reach my goals?

Setting Home Business Goals: The What, Why and How

One of the biggest challenges in achieving home business goals is differentiating accurately between the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ in goal setting. The goal itself is the ‘what’, the strategy to achieve it is the ‘how’, and the benefits that will accrue from successful achievement are the ‘why’.

Stop Stressing!

Happy New Year! If you’re like me, you are already stressing out just thinking about all the things you want to accomplish this year. Before you have a melt down and do nothing, sit down, take a deep breath, create a plan of action, set priorities, make things happen! Make this year, YOUR BEST YEAR YET!