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Let’s Talk About New Years Resolutions

At the end of every year, we always reflect on all the things we have done; it may be good or bad, but then both made us a better person. You have learned wonderful lessons from all of those mistakes you have made and you always wish that you would not commit the same in the coming year. To resolve this issue, we make a New Years resolution.

Don’t Worry About the Details

Have you ever got spun up trying to figure out the details of a project and found yourself stuck because some of the details simply didn’t present themselves? The key is trusting that you are just fine where you are in the process of the plan or project. Perfection is already present so you don’t have to push or rush for it.

Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work and How To Write Goals That Will

We often make resolutions, that fade with the passing of the first few months. So, this year, instead of making vague, hopeful promises to yourself, why not decide to make some really specific individual goals that you can stick to? Here is a guide written using things that we learned and found useful, whilst studying NLP, to help you to write clear, effective goals.

Career Resolutions For the New Year – Career Audit/Evaluation First

As the year comes to a close it is necessary to take stock of the resolutions you had set at the beginning. This necessitates one to understand the levels of achievement attained viz a viz the pre-set goals. This exercise should form the basis for the coming years’ resolutions in light of the previous years’ performance.

New Year, New Beginnings

If you are anything like me, all hopes for a happy, healthy and prosperous new year are pinned on that one important night – New Years Eve. Resolutions are made – promises that we vow to lead a much healthier, honest and trouble free life. And, at that precise moment when I am making those promises to myself, for those few split seconds, I actually believe that I can do it, I can change and I will achieve my goal!

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Goals Versus Resolutions

Goals symbolize a vision while resolutions embody reflection. Goals look out to the future while resolutions look back at the past. The path for creating goals begins with a strategy while the path for making resolutions begins with a decision.

Top Ten Resolutions to Becoming a Better Person

So this year you have everything you want. The one thing you need is something your friends and family have been wishing for years, for you to become a better person. So you swear too much, you fart too loud, you laugh at homeless people on the street, but God loves you right?

What My Fortune Cookie Taught Me!

At first I thought… what kind of fortune is that? That’s not what I want to hear from my fortune cookie.

Getting It All Done – Goal Setting for Modern Homesteading

The journey to self-sufficiency can be overwhelming. Financial pressures, family responsibilities, employment – when exactly are you supposed to find the time to become a modern homesteader? Or even prepare for a simple power outage? Find out how to get it all done with these 3 simple steps to setting self sufficiency goals.

How to Set Goals That Are Relevant to You

This article provides a top down approach to help you set goals and achieve them. You will first learn how to set goals that are meaningful to you, then you will learn how to achieve them.

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Goal Setting and Reasons to Fail

You have written down your goals, are clear on what you want and are raring to go. However, months go by and you still haven’t achieved any of them – why? Setting goals and ensuring you have the motivation to succeed, is only one half of the equation; you also need to acknowledge those things that may prevent you from achieving those goals.

How to Establish Your Life Goals and Become Successful

We all have the desire to achieve success but why can’t we achieve it? To understand this you have to have an insight into the fundamental role of the subconscious. This is survival which is the strongest subconscious desire of all. You can look at this another way, the avoidance of pain. The subconscious will do its best to keep you free from pain and in whatever condition it perceives as safe (survival mode). In survival mode thinking is not clear and focus is very difficult therefore creativity and imagination are impeded (writers block caused by stress, a stammer caused by anxiety).

How to Set Successful Goals and New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions are easy to make but often so much harder to keep. Cori revealed her secrets to successful goals and resolutions on Breakfast Television this New Year’s Eve. Don’t worry if you weren’t able to catch her appearance-we’ve put together some information below that anyone can follow to make 2011 the most successful one yet.

Goal Setting – Preparing For The New Year Any Time Of The Year

Fear of failure holding you back? Having problems setting goals? Need more success in achieving goals? The tips in this article will help you get on the right track. Start off the New Year with a positive note. Goals are adult “do-overs!”

What Are You Dreaming Of?

Dreams are goals, goals are dreams and that could be real if we are eager to achieve it. All of us are dreaming for the things we wanted, things we loved and Success. We always have been dreaming for something new and for the best.

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How to Set Goals Effectively

Goals setting is a relatively easy process once you have the knowledge and confidence to undertake it properly. Unfortunately many people don’t goals set properly, or in a lot of cases don’t goal set at all. This is a shame because it can offer so many benefits in your life. It can help to create a happier, healthier and more successful you. In this article we show you how to goal set.

How to Motivate Yourself to Success – 3 Goal Setting Strategies That Work

Motivation is a funny thing. It seems to come and go. But when you know the secret of how to motivate yourself, life gets a lot easier. It becomes less of a challenge. When you use the 3 goal setting strategies that follow, you can be sure that staying motivated will no longer be a challenge.

Goal Setting – New Year’s Resolutions

Every year we make endless New Year’s Resolutions telling ourselves that we are going to follow through with our plans and goals or reform our habits only to reach December and then say “oh well, will definitely do it next year”. So we go round and round in circles trying to play catch up and never really achieving what we set out to achieve.

Here’s A Quick Way Your Team Can Accomplish Goals

Teams are all about goals. We have personal goals, short-term goals, and long-term goals. But before we get into how to actually accomplish your goals, let’s go back to the beginning and check out what you need to accomplish your goals. Check out the three things that you’ll need in order to accomplish your goals.

Now Is the Time to Write Your New Year Resolutions

“But we’re almost at the end of January” I hear you cry. Precisely why now is the best time to revisit your resolutions. Most of us set resolutions, or goals, for the coming year at the wrong time, perhaps with heightened emotions due to the party atmosphere or being alcohol fuelled, we tend to make decisions with very little regard for what will soon reveal itself as our new year reality.

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Breaking the Cycle of Resolution Breaking

How long will your New Year’s resolution last? How can you keep from breaking it? Here are a couple of tips to help out.

5 Steps to Goal Setting Success

Before we set out to accomplish anything at all, we must begin with a clear picture in our minds of already having achieved our goal. We wouldn’t even imagine trying to glue broken pieces of pottery back together without any idea of what it’s supposed to look like. So, why should we go through life without a clear purpose? Once we begin to visualize something, we can begin to figure out how to make it happen.

Successful Goal Setting Strategies

I am sure you are asking, aren’t all goal setting strategies the same. Well, no, they are not. Why do I not reach my goals?

Setting Home Business Goals: The What, Why and How

One of the biggest challenges in achieving home business goals is differentiating accurately between the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ in goal setting. The goal itself is the ‘what’, the strategy to achieve it is the ‘how’, and the benefits that will accrue from successful achievement are the ‘why’.

Stop Stressing!

Happy New Year! If you’re like me, you are already stressing out just thinking about all the things you want to accomplish this year. Before you have a melt down and do nothing, sit down, take a deep breath, create a plan of action, set priorities, make things happen! Make this year, YOUR BEST YEAR YET!