($800 In 24Hrs!) Make Passive Income By Copying & Pasting Simple Videos (Smart Money Tactics)


No Excuses

You know how you want more time and money? And what about slimming down or handling that bum knee of yours? You said you wanted to spend more quality time with those you care about, too. Take a small step today. You are MORE than ready.

3 Quick Tips for Successful Goals

Chances are that at some time in your life you have made a New Year’s resolution – then broken it. This year programme your mind for success by following these simple but effective tips.  

How to Incorporate an Action Plan and Achieve Your Goals

Here are some simple steps to set and stick to your goals. Setting and achieving goals is not just for New Year’s Resolutions. When we set goals for ourselves we are challenging ourselves to become a better person.

Leaving Your Comfort Zone for a Better and Successful Career

Leaving your comfort zone will help you to open yourself to new experiences and to face and deal with challenges in a positive and effective way. At the same time, it will assist you in achieving your most desired goals in order to have a successful and brilliant career.

You Achieved a Goal, Now What?

If anyone has been following my posts for the month of December 2010, you know I’ve been involved with a challenge I set for myself, post 16 posts per day with one being a full page article. You will also know that I overshot that goal every single day with the minimum posts being 20. I wanted to achieve 500 total posts by the end of December; I will hit 800 by the end of today. What was the purpose of this challenge? I read that if you treat your goals as promises you are more likely to achieve them. Under normal circumstances I would probably never have set this goal nor achieved it. I started this challenge by setting an ultimate goal of 500 posts and 31 full page articles and then broke it down into daily goals of 16 posts per day and 1 full page article. There were NO excuses allowed for missing, no making it up the day after and no writing more than 1 full page article each day.