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Giving More This New Year

“For it is more blessed to give than to receive” This is one thing that we as humans must turn to this coming New Year if we really want to live a fulfilled life. This is one thing that if done, will take away little from you but will end up receiving more than what you have given.

The Best Way to Achieve Success in the New Year

What is the best way to achieve success in the New Year? Before I answer that I am going to ask you another question. What is the best way to ensure that you fail to achieve success in the upcoming New Year? The best way to be sure that you fail is to make a New Year’s resolution, of course.

How To Set Written Goals

Goal setting one of the most beneficial things you can do in your business. It is a widely understood concept, but rarely used often because of a subconscious resistance to failure. Resolve to set for your business.

How To Use Mind Mapping To Accomplish Goals

Mind Mapping is an extremely effective tool when used as an aid to accomplishing a goal. It is a visual aid that helps you keep track of all tasks needed to accomplish a goal.

Positive Motivation to Help You Achieve Goals

For those of you who are looking for that bit of positive motivation to help you achieve your goals, you may not know where to go or what to do. There are several different tips of advice that can get you started doing what you want and achieving just about every goal you set your mind to.

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Dream Big – Living Beyond the Mundane

“Devote today to something so daring even you can’t believe you’re doing it.” -Oprah Winfrey. Have you ever dreamed a dream so big that it scared you? Maybe it was taking your business to the next level, building orphanages, or setting a huge financial goal for your self.

Goal Setting For Weight Loss By Running

We should always have goals. Whether it be for weight loss, running, our careers, to stop watching so much TV, or to read more, goals give us something for which to strive.

How To Balance Life – Work and Play

For everything to be in perfect harmony. There needs to be balance in all areas of life. We need to learn how to balance work and play.

The Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Goals

Learning how to set goals effectively is one of the most important things that you can do to improve your life. Unfortunately, it is also the one area that might be holding you back if you aren’t doing it right. Here are the top mistakes that you absolutely have to avoid if you are serious about reaching the important goals that you set for yourself.

Goal Setting – Do You Think It Helps To Achieve Your Goals?

Goal Setting. Do you think that if you write your goals down on paper they will be achieved quicker than if you just have them floating around in your head? Of course they will.

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Your First Master Mind

Without a definite and practical plan your definite major purpose will be useless. After discovering your definite major purpose in life you need to sit down and develop a detail plan on how you’re going to achieve it and write it down. You also need to form your fist alliance with people that will help you achieve your goal. Your first alliance (master mind) could be between you and your spouse, your father or mother, your brothers or sisters, or a combination of any of them. But sometimes your family can be your biggest naysayers in which case look to your friends or the internet to form your first master mind group.

The Success Step of Setting Goals

In order to succeed in life, whether it is with business, sports, relationships, or any other aspect that is important to you, you have to know what it is you want, and what you need to accomplish in order to get it. Setting goals is the first step toward achieving whatever goal you happen to have set for yourself. The act of picking up a pen, and physically writing out for all the world to see “I want to start a business”, or “I want to lose 40 pounds” is a psychological one that turns something imaginary into something…

Are You a Working Mum Struggling With New Year’s Resolutions?

Are you a working mum having trouble meeting your New Year’s resolutions? Find out why 78% of people fail and how you can increase you chance to succeed.

Resolutions to Reality – Keeping Your Promises to Yourself in 2011

It is hard to change yourself! And sustaining those changes can be an even more challenging task, which explains why most people have already abandoned their New Year’s resolutions by the time Valentine’s Day rolls around. If you are starting to feel your enthusiasm for change waning, let’s revive your drive by looking at what is required to maintain lasting life changes.

Tracking Towards Your Desired Destination?

Have you set your 2011 goals to help you track toward your desired destination, or will another year slip by where someone or something else sets your course? Do you have an action plan designed to help you achieve your goals and a support structure to keep you accountable?